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We're often contacted
by many newsletter subscribers (and never have a problem with any direct
solicitations) but there are plenty of you who unknowingly are sending
out viruses with your e-mails. The most common offending virus is titled
"hahaha@sexyfun.net", or aka "Snow White and the Seven dwarves". Please,
please, please take the time to understand the how, whys and whats of these
e-mail viruses and get your computers "scrubbed". Those having these viruses
have -no- idea of the potential damage you may unsuspectingly do and the
aggravation caused by a virus detector sounding off time and time again.
It is one thing to want to communicate your ideas, comments and or sales
messages directly - it's a totally different ball game when you unknowingly
send out copies of viruses through your e-mail program. For up-to-date
info please go to: www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w95.hybris.gen.html.
Lastly, the most common offenders are those of you having Microsoft Outlook
or Outlook Express installed in your computers. It is another reason our
preferences lie with the Netscape e-mail program and browser.
The results are in concerning
the "Online vs. Traditional" booking and reservation process (newsletter
issue #108,
May 22nd). The survey ended June 6th with 1,703 responses, which amounted
to approximately twenty- two percent (22%) of our subscribers - well done!
Travelocity was pre- ferred by 37% to Expedia (31%) and 800 direct numbers
(%16%), with the travel agents coming in a distant fourth (11%). We were
surprised that so few tallied Priceline or BizTravel. The survey was be
no means sci- entific - but it is interesting to see where preferences
are headed in our collective industry. Now on to the real results. Who
won the cash prizes offered? R. Bajon of the Louisiana Travel Promotion
Association www.ltpa.org garned $75.00
as the grand prize winner. The $50 second prize goes to T. Kidder of the
Saint Paul Hotel (St.Paul, Minn) www.stpaulhotel.com
and our third prize of $25 is headed to M. Schvaneveldt of the Shadow Mountain
Resort & Club (in Palm Desert, CA) www.shadow-mountain.com
Everyone will get another chance this coming July (yes, more cash) when
we feature a new survey. The consid- erable response was appreciated. If
you'd like to review what/how the survey was done hospitality-1st.com/newsletters/News108.html
is the link.
Over the past couple
of years (and continuing through 2001) there have been a number of changes
involving area codes, both the actual numbers and locations being reassigned,
as well as a fair amount of new area codes being added. Sales, Marketing
&PR tends to make heavy use of the telephone and having an accurate
listing just isnt going to occur with your local "phone book" -- it's outdated
the day it's published. We've come across a rather nice "site" which displays
the area codes for the U.S. and Canada, also featuring numerical listings
- which gives you a better idea of just where you are phoning. It's worth
bookmarking this nanpa.com/number_resource_info/area_code_maps.html
or use nanpa.com/area_codes/index.html
which is the main index.
From time to time (ok,
almost daily) someone will write asking for help with their web browsing
experiences, (or really what they mean is "lack" of web browsing experience)
and that's the kind of input many in the Hospitality Industry are missing
on a frequent basis. One technique many are not familiar with is the need
to "clear your cache", so that you remove old stray files that are taking
up valuable disk space, which has a tendency to slow down your computer
and also your online viewing habits. Here's help presented "graphically",
for users of Netscape and Internet Explorer(AOL too). The pages and info
are easy to access from hospitality-1st.com/clear-cache.html
with complete details and screen shots, depending on your browser type..
The Press-News Release
edition subscribers received last Tuesday (June 12) is biweekly (every
other Tuesday, alternating with the newsletter issues) but if you would
like the issue that is sent to 750+ PR personnel each Thursday, just please
let us know by using this "mailto" link for your additional preference.
All Press-News Release recaps are sent and for- matted as {plain text}
for easy reading and accessibility to the given Press-News release(s) featured
on the Hospitality 1ST web site. Kindly use Press-News@Hospitality-1st.com?subject=Subscribe
and we'll confirm your interest via return e-mail...
Building "The Bridge
of Hospitality" sm...
Hakuna Matata,
Lou Taverna - Editor
Hospitality 1ST = "Where
Hospitality Is Always First" sm
Web Site = hospitality-1st.com
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