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Thirteen State Tourism Offices Win Mercury Awards From TIA
Washington, DC � September 2002 � The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) has announced the winners of its Mercury Awards program, which honors the best in state tourism office communication each year. Thirteen states were recently honored with fourteen separate Mercury Awards presented by the National Council of State Tourism Directors (NCSTD), an industry council of TIA. Chosen from nearly 200 entries in categories ranging from print and broadcast advertising to niche marketing, the states received their Mercury Awards during the closing ceremony during TIA's annual Educational Seminar for Tourism Organizations in Portland, Oregon.

Created in 1985, the Mercury Awards recognize NCSTD members for excellence and creative accomplishment in travel marketing and promotion and are designed to foster the development of imaginative and exciting destination promotion programs and activities.

Individual Award Winners

  • Fulfillment: Print - Visitor Guide (Advertising supported): South Carolina
  • Fulfillment: Print - Visitor Guide (Not advertising supported): South Dakota
  • Print � Other: West Virginia
  • Print Advertising (less than full page): West Virginia
  • Print Advertising (full page or larger): Utah
  • Broadcast � Television Commercial: Minnesota
  • Broadcast � Radio Commercial: California
  • Niche Marketing: Illinois
  • Co-operative Marketing: North Carolina
  • Technical Marketing: Texas
  • International Marketing: North Dakota
  • Travel Information/Welcome Center Programs: New Mexico
  • Special Promotion: New York
  • Best Overall Program: Oklahoma
Travel Industry Association of America
TIA ( is the national, non-profit organization representing all components of the $545 billion travel industry. TIA's mission is to represent the whole of the U.S. travel industry to promote and facilitate increased travel to and within the United States.

Cathy Keefe
202-408-2183 ,

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Travel Industry Association of America
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