Subscribe To Association News

Association News to Feature
the Coastal South and
Northern California
Subscribe To Association News
Los Angeles, CA � May 2004 � The August issue of Association News, America's most-read magazine for state and regional associations, will feature a cover story on holding meetings in the Coastal South region, including North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. A separate destination feature story will include information on holding meetings in Northern California, from the Bay Area to the Oregon Border.

�Thanks to our total-market circulation strategy, every state and regional association in the states we're covering will receive the August issue of Association News,� said Timothy Schneider, publisher of Association News. �Any hotel or convention bureau in those states that wants to increase its share of the state and regional association market should make plans now to advertise in our August issue.�

In addition to the full-color editorial coverage of the Coastal South states and Northern California, the August issue of Association News will feature the semi-annual Hotels and Meeting Facilities Directory and a special CVB Spotlight advertorial section. The August issue will also be distributed at ASAE�s Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.

The readers of Association News generate more than 59 million hotel room nights annually and use cities and hotels of all sizes for their meetings. State and regional associations are also the best source of group drive-market business. The space reservation deadline for the August issue of Association News is July 1, 2004.

Association News is published by Schneider Publishing Company, Inc., the Los Angeles-based company that also publishes SportsTravel Magazine and organizes TEAMS: Travel, Events And Management in Sports, the annual conference and trade show for the sports event industry. For further information or to advertise, please call toll-free (877) 577-3700.
Media Contact:
Timothy Schneider


©2004 Schneider Publishing Company, Inc.
11835 W. Olympic Blvd., 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel: (310) 577-3700 Fax: (310) 577-3715
Publishers of SportsTravel and Association News
Organizers of the TEAMS 2004 Conference & Expo, October 20-23, 2004, in Houston
�Service of Hospitality 1ST and Subscribing Members�
Placement Dates: 05/18/04 � 07/18/04
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