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#43. Hotel Restaurant Travel Hospitality
"Sales - Marketing - PR" Newsletter -- 9/7/99

"Quick Message from Our Sponsor"
The distribution  network reaches hundreds  of thousands of people each month with the most comprehensive travel site on the Internet.  Hoteliers worldwide have taken advantage of our FREE listings and  thousands have discovered how our Internet marketing solutions can improve their bottom line. Visit our site for  information about our services.

Our congratulations to the many employees of Hilton and the Promus corporation for their successful merger, as announced earlier this morning. For more details please visit one of our favorite "Yahoo" sites (Leisure/Travel/Hotels News) which is located by using  this URL pointer = and it will give you the latest Hospitality Industry updates.

One of the least used "tools" for customer retention is the simple 3"x5" card / envelope combination.When was the last time that you took the time to personally (as in hand-written) thank your valued client? Whether a frequent diner, hotel guest or airline traveler served by an under-commissioned travel agent -- it still makes the difference! Many clients will "travel" with you when a job/company change occurs. It's not often that price (obviously within reason) matters -- it is the personal attention afforded and service that usually wins out. You have to make the extra effort and mass produced, word processing form-letters don't count. You must treat a customer like royalty!

Located two online resources you might find helpful -- especially if short of available capital (as can often be the case with many start-up operations). Barter has been with us since the beginning of time, but it is often mis-understood and complicated without proper explanation. BarterCorp is one
of the two best, along with Delta-1 each offering services that are  easy to understand. You will be much better informed than by reading a short recap here.

The next e-mailed edition of the Hospitality Positions Available will be September 16th. We're looking for global awareness - your help is appreciated when you can refer interested parties in this combined effort. Many readers and subscribers are continually on the lookout for International Opportunities -- unfortunately  the resources are scarce. The e-mailed listings continue to expand as do the online placements  (nearly daily)  at the  Hospitality 1ST site  and you are welcome to query the placements. Those placing ads do appreciate your awareness and welcome referrals. A promise to all concerned == quick and easy access == without excess page loading times and intrusive banner exchanges or "pop-up" windows  slowing your visit.

Some of the essentials for effective communications: avoid fancy language, deal with facts, make your info newsworthy, start with a brief description - then distinguish who announced it, lastly - provide as much contact information as possible -- the "audience" should have choices for contacting you (not just a phone number).

The deadline has been extended to Sept.9th for information on the many and varied schools associated with the Hospitality Industry. Please submit a two-three sentence recap (and the most direct web site link) by using  and we will gladly include the  listings with a  future issue. Culinary,
Hotel-Motel, along with any Travel related schools are asked and welcome to participate. It would be nice to have the offerings of global interest too, such as that from the UK, Australia, Canada, Japan and South America, just to mention a few of the areas this newsletter reaches.

The winner of the  Boardroom Reports "Bottom Line/Personal" year long subscription will be announced with the newsletter issue #44 of next week. "Only" 1,418 of you participated! The response was really remarkable. And as we close - thanks to so many of you for the kind notes regarding the recent newsletter formatting changes and feedback shared concerning the "Positions Available E-Mailed Listings" which were mentioned earlier in this newsletter.

Pleased to be part of your day,
Hospitality 1ST =
"Where Hospitality Always Comes First"sm
Member: HSMAI
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Phone: (901) 624-5826
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