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Beachfront Resort
Sales Managers - San Diego, CAJoin our Two Award-Winning Teams: The Catamaran Resort Hotel and the Bahia Resort Hotel, winners of San Diego's Finest Service Award and Gold Key Awards are expanding their super star sales teams.
We seek individuals with 4 years of experience in group hotel sales with exceptional communication, writing and phone skills. Proven track record of meeting aggressive sales goals. Delphi experience a plus.
Join the team of exceptional hospitality professionals with high service standards by sending resumé to: HR Dept. 998 W. Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, California 92109 or by Fax: (858) 539-7729. E.O.E.
"Reference to Hospitality 1ST is appreciated, but in no way required"
Placement Dates: 11/04/00 - 12/04/00
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